Pigeon pedigree software
pedigree software and record keeping program for racing pigeons
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computer software to help you create pedigrees and keep track of pigeon data
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32-bit and 64-bit Windows

most popular pigeon pedigree software

Pairing birds

Table of Contents
Many of our program Users have had problems with pairing birds in PLO program. Below I explained fully how to do this right and explained also all function from Pairing birds sheet what will let you do pairing without any problem.

Before starting to pair, you have to enter your birds to the program database in Pairing form. You enter all birds in Bird form. After saving the birds to the database, you can start pairing. You have to remember that the birds choosen for pairing have to own a status of Racing or Stock (choosen earlier in Bird Information form ). Birds marked as Archive will not appear on the list of cocks or hens choosen for pairing.

1. Choose Pairing item from Breeding menu. After opening Pairing form, first choose the loft name in which you will pair your birds (f. ex. Breeding or Racig Loft), then choose the date and the nestbox nmber will be set atomatically.
keeping track of my pigeon  breeding records
2. To choose the cock, click Choose cock button. The list of cocks that you see can be changed with the dimension of race, status, Loft Name and Hatch year. Choose the cock from the list ( click on the ring number) and its data will appear on the left from Pairing birds window. Then click Close button.
This program has made keeping records of my pigeon racing
3. To choose the hen, click Choose hen button. The list of hens that you see can be changed with the dimension of race, status, Loft Name and Hatch year. Choose the hen from the list ( click on the ring number) and its data will appear on the left from Pairing birds window. Then click Close button.
Sample Five generation pigeon pedigree certificate
4. If you have already choosen your pair, you can compare pedigrees of the hen and the cock (click Cock and Hen pedigree), you can compare their rating (click Cock and Hen Rating) and you can check how many young birds has that cock had and with what hens and the same concerning the hen. Those three options will let you make the right decision while pairing your birds. Remember that well pairing will put an important influence to your success. If you have saved photos of your birds' eyes in the database before, you will be able to compare them during the pairing.
4 generation pedigree on a single sheet for racing pigeon
5. If you have already choosen a pair and if you want to save it, click Save pair button. The saved pair will appear in the bottom part of Pairing birds window. All pairs that you will save during the pairing will be also seen in the bottom part of Pairing window. To save next pair, do the instructions from above. Remember that you can change hen or cock before saving them to the database.
blank pedigree chart form to be used to pigeon record pedigree information
6. If you have finished pairing in a choosen loft section and you will not save next pairs, click Save pairing button. Only now the pairing was saved in the database.
Printable blank pigeon pedigree chart
7. If you want to edit the saved pairing, click Edit pairing button, mark the loft section name, pairing year and click Open button. All pairing saved during that pairing will be seen in the bottom part of Pairing form. Now you can add or remove a choosen pair and then click Save pairing. You will be asked for confirming the record, click ok and save the pairing to te database.
Pedigree certificate forms 4 generation pigeon forms and pedigree
8. If you want to remove the pairing saved in the database, click Delete pairing button, mark Loft section name and Pairing year and click Delete button. Remember that you are removing the pairing from the database and you will not be able to recover it.
Fillable pigeon pedigree template form
9. If you want to print the pairing that you saved in the program, click Print preview button and print the pairing.

10. If you want to pair new birds in another loft section, click New pairing button and start pairing your birds following the previous instructions.
To get a good quality of your bird picture you have to practice a bit editing your pictures.

Well and successful pairing will let you breed many wonderful birds. You have a choice of all needed functions to make a right decision concering the right pairing. Before saving a pair, browse the pedigrees of choosen birds, compare the descendants and rating. You should search for the pedigrees of the best pigeons before the pairing, see how the best breeders do this process. Then you would gain the knowledge how to create a good pairing.

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